Cops Cast

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1350 people & K-9s listed alphabetically by last name who were on Cops plus towns and the episode production number. This is a work in progress and isn't complete...yet.

911E = 911 Emergency VHS, AMW = America's Most Wanted Followups, BG = Bad Girls DVD, BOC = Best of Cops Uncensored VHS, CA03 = Caught in the Act VHS/DVD, FAN = inFANity Special, FM = Funniest Moments VHS, SF = Shots Fired DVD, TH1 = Too Hot for TV V1 VHS, TH2 = Too Hot for TV V2 VHS, VH1 = Inside Cops TV Special, WOD = War on Drugs VHS, 20th = 20th Anniversary DVD

Top 5 Cops - Sgt. John Bunnell (10), Sgt. Ruben Barela (9), Sgt. Randy Sutton (9), Officer Joe Kolp (8), Cpl. Anthony Damiano (7)

Person or K-9 City, State Episode(s)
Deputy Eugene Abaun Pierce County WA 1730
Officer Bob Abbott Fort Worth, TX 527, 535, 536, 911E
Sgt. Joe Achilare Broward County FL 2110
Officer Dave Acosta Las Vegas, NV 721
Corporal Brian Adams Brevard County FL 1932
Deputy Jimmy Adams Brevard County FL 2011
Deputy Sherree Adams Shelby County TN 426
Officer Denise Aguilar North Las Vegas, NV 2103, 2104, 2110
Officer Jose Alfardo  Fort Worth, TX 1213
Sgt. Lance Alforn Atlanta, GA 1102
Deputy U.S. Marshal Jim Alston Miami, FL 414
Deputy Jeff Alwine Pierce County WA 919, 1337
Trooper Gerald Ames Pierce County WA 1526, 20th
Officer Ralph Amoroso Boston, MA 415, 417, 419
Detective Bob Anderson  Broward County FL 2112
Officer Dan Anderson Minneapolis, MN 2124
FTO Glen Anderson Rialto, CA 2017
Deputy Joel Anderson King County, WA 2127
Officer Michael Anderson Tampa, FL  326
Deputy Sidney Anderson Kansas City, MO 1016
Deputy Scott Anger Los Angeles, CA 702, 704, S909, CITA, 911E, SF, VH1
Sgt. George Anthony Broward County FL 2104, 2107, 2111, 2112, 2118
Officer Robert Anthony Boston, MA 415, 419, 420
Deputy Leonard Armijo Albuquerque, NM 1228
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Mesa, AZ 1336
Officer Joe Arroyo Pittsburgh, PA 323, 546
Deputy Angel Artola Palm Beach County FL 2036
Deputy Leif Arvidson Albuquerque, NM 1225
Trooper Terry Asberry Bethel, AK 308
Officer Ryan Aucoin New Orleans, LA 1709
Detective Tod Babcock Albuquerque, NM 1232, 1236, 1337
Officer James Badway Albuquerque, NM 1225, 1228, 2038, 20th
Detective Bill Baker Denver, CO 508, S907, WOD
Officer Rhonda Baker Dallas, TX 819
Officer Kathy Ballman Kansas City, MO 1016
Officer Debbie Banker Fulton County GA 1102
Deputy Chris Barajas Riverside County CA 1703, 1705
Officer Jason Barber Las Vegas, NV 1010
Officer Gary Barboa Albuquerque, NM 1225
Deputy (later Sgt.) Ruben Barela Albuquerque, NM 827-29/31, 833-5, 1228, 1234, TH2
Chief Inspector William Barber London, England 339
Officer Mason Barland Crystal, MN 2124
Officer Rodney Barnes Corpus Christi, TX 1032
Deputy Matthew Barnet Harris County TX 2115
Officer Quilla Barnett Fort Worth, TX 1715
Detective Margaret Barone Broward County FL 2106
Officer Damon Barringer Las Vegas, NV 1933
Sgt. Eddie Barrios Fresno, CA 1731, 1733
Officer Kelly Bast Cincinnati, OH 1712
Lt. Robert Baton Miami Beach, FL 430
Detective Jack Bauer Pittsburgh, PA 324
Officer Don Bautista Minneapolis, MN 304
Detective Curt Beaupree Pierce County WA 445, 1316, TH1
Detective Jerry Beck Los Angeles, CA 507, 20th
Deputy Brent Becker Los Angeles, CA 228
Officer OJ Becnel Rialto, CA 2010
Officer Jo Lynn Bedard Denver, CO 508, 911E
Officer Gerard Bello Las Vegas, NV 1716/17, 20th
FTO Brad Bellflower Brevard County FL 1932
Deputy Art Belmontes Los Angeles, CA 223
Officer Leon Benjamin Indianapolis, IN 1523
Officer Steve Benjamin Fort Worth, TX 536
Officer Leon Benoit III New Orleans, LA 1703
Deputy Andre Benson Moreno Valley, CA 330
Officer Rick Benson Fort Worth, TX 526, 527, 535, CITA, TH1, TH2
Officer Kevin Berardinelli Gwinnett County GA 1815, 20th
Sgt. Darrel Bergquist Kansas City, MO 2017
Deputy Mark Berry Pierce County WA 1727, 1737
Officer John Bertine Los Angeles, CA 704, IHP
Detective Dennis Biggs Pittsburgh, PA 409, 546, WOD
Officer John Billington Minneapolis, MN 304, 305
Deputy James Billinovich Houston, TX 331, 335, 336, 337
Deputy Richard Birmingham Riverside County CA 1521, 1534, 1703
Deputy John Blackman Portland, OR 207, 208, 211
Sr. Officer David Blackmon Corpus Christi, TX 1032
Cpl. John Black Rialto, CA 2009, 2013
Cpl. Larry Blacksmith Houston, TX 333, 334, 336
Sgt. Mike Blackwell Las Vegas, NV 717, S907, WOD
Officer Carl Blad Minneapolis, MN 2127
Sgt. Russell Blaschke Albuquerque, NM 835
Officer Sean Blaydes Fort Worth, TX 1428
Sgt. Bill Bochter Pittsburgh, PA 409, 546
Officer Matthew Bolan Jacksonville, FL 1708
Deputy U.S. Marshal Bill Bonk Baltimore, MD 414
Deputy Brad Bonnet Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2103, 2106, 2108, 2109, 2115, 2117/18
Deputy Chris Boomershine Indianapolis, IN 645, CITA
Deputy Shawn Boorman Palm Beach, FL 1123, 2037, BG, 20th
Sgt. James Boone Philadelphia, PA 525
Officer Nicole Boone Albuquerque, NM 1232
Officer Irene Booth Las Vegas, NV 1007
Officer Rob Boothe Spokane, WA 1620, 2037, 20th
Sgt. Nicholas Borchard Rialto, CA 2007, 2014
Officer Robert Borgmann Miami, FL 429
Officer Nathan Boss Las Vegas, NV 1716/17, 20th
Officer Tom Boyle Boston, MA 421
Deputy Joe Braaten San Bernardino County CA 1735
Officer Adam Bracey Virginia Beach, VA 1114, BG
Sgt. Larry Bradley Las Vegas, NV S907
Sgt. Scott Bradley Philadelphia, PA 1707
Officer Kevin Brandon Kansas City, KS 723, CITA, IHP
Deputy Ann Brannon Los Angeles, CA 221, 228, 230
Sgt. Tim Branske Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2117
Capt Benjamin Braxton Philadelphia, PA 521, 546
Officer Justin Breen Rialto, CA 2114
Detective Fred Breitkreuz Riverside County CA 329
Officer Jim Brinkley Kansas City, KS 407
Officer Jim Briner Indianapolis, IN 644
Officer Tegan Broadwater Fort Worth, TX 1428
PC Chris Brooks London, England 339
Officer David Brooks North Las Vegas, NV 2110
Detective Eddie Brown Pittsburgh, PA 409-12, 546, WOD
Deputy Frank Brown Pierce County WA 1518
Officer Greg Brown Boston, MA 416, 418
Lt. Joe Brown Los Angeles, CA 230
Officer Matt Brown Pierce County WA 1725, 1728
Officer Phillip Brown Kansas City, MO 407
Officer Rob Brown  Portland, OR 2023
Detective Steve Brown Riverside County CA 330
Officer Frank Browning Palm Springs, CA 1607
Officer Sean Bryan North Las Vegas, NV 2112
PC Keith Bryan London, England 339
Deputy Carmela Buchannon Pierce County WA 1319
Officer Holly Buchannon Atlanta, GA 1101, 1339, 20th
Deputy Russ Budden Broward County FL 110, 111, 112, 113
Detective Mike Bumcrot Los Angeles, CA 219
Sgt. John Bunnell Portland, OR 201-5/7/9-11/13, S907, 2037, FM, VH1, WOD, 20th
Deputy Les Bunton Pierce County WA 1312, 1313, 1320
Officer Andrea Burman Las Vegas, NV 314
Sgt. Grant Burnett San Diego, CA 217, 546
Cpl Jim Burnett Fort Worth, TX 526, IHP, 20th
Officer Larry Burns Las Vegas, NV 311
Sgt. Steve Burns Lee County, FL 933
Deputy Gene Bursch San Diego, CA 217, 546
Deputy Jon Burton Sacramento, CA 605, CITA
Deputy David Busk Los Angeles, CA 223
Deputy Dave Butts Pierce County WA 1312, 1721
Officer Rosalia Cabrera Sacramento, CA 2121
Capt. Ron Cacciatore Broward County FL 105, 109, BOC1, 20th
Officer Jose Caceres New York City, NY 637, CITA, CA03
Sgt. Loren Caddy Portland, OR 205/07/10/11/13, BOC1, 911E, BOC
Officer Angel Calzadilla Miami, FL 428
Officer Mary Campuzano Santa Ana, CA 1730
Commander James Campbell Memphis, TN 425
Deputy Jim Campbell  Los Angeles, CA 220
Officer Tyrone Campbell Denver, CO 508, S907, WOD
Deputy Linda Canada Broward County FL 100-104, 106, BOC002, 2038, BOC, 20th
Officer Emilio Canciobello Miami, FL 428
PC Anne Cannon London, England 339
Officer Anthony Cantanese Pomona, CA 2104
K-9 Canto (Died 2/9/08) Martin County FL 2029
Sgt. Steve Caulfield Broward County FL 104
Sgt. Ralph Capone Broward County FL 430
Deputy Mario Carey Pierce County WA 1723, 1731
Officer Scott Caron Kansas City, MO 401-7, S909, 2037/38, BOC, CITA, FM, CA03, TH1, 20th
Deputy Matt Carpenter San Diego County CA 2108
Officer Sergio Carrera (Died 12/07) Rialto, CA 2005
Sgt. David Carroll Fort Worth, TX 535
Officer Jim Caroll Lynn, MA 421
Officer Garry Caruso Santa Ana, CA 1730
Deputy Eric Carlson Pierce County WA 1314/18/19/20, 1324, 1518, 1528
Officer Randy Carter Las Vegas, NV 1007
Deputy Bill Cassio Pierce County WA 504, 911E
Detective Dave Castillo Los Angeles, CA 222
Detective Derrick Catli Passaic, NJ 1614, 2037, 20th
Sgt. Dennis Cavalier Broward County FL 111
Officer Paul Cervantes Fresno, CA 1728, 1733
Officer David Chaddock North Las Vegas, NV 2104
Officer Jeff Chang Los Angeles, CA 701, BOC
Officer Eric Charron Gwinnett County GA 1815, 20th
PC Adrian Cherrett London, England 339
K-9 Officer Ron Chesterman Sacramento, CA 2019
Lt. Dean Christiansen Minneapolis, MN 2126
Officer Benjamin Christoval New Orleans, LA 1701, 1709, 20th
Officer Mark Chuck Denver, CO 508, 2038, 20th
FBI Agent J. L. Cisneros Miami, FL 414
Officer Brian Clark Fort Worth, TX 1214, 1422, 1433, 1709, CA03
Sgt. Derek Clark San Diego, CA 214, 216, BOC01
Officer Jack Clark Las Vegas, NV 311/12/15/18, 546, S908, CITA, 911E
Officer Jeff Clark Memphis, TN 424
Chief Medical Officer John H. Clark Los Angeles, CA 220
Deputy Nick Clark Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2118
Officer Branden Clarkson Las Vegas, NV 2012, 2102
Officer Casey Clarkson Las Vegas, NV 2031
Deputy Erik Clarkson  Pierce County WA 1313, 1324, 1517, 2037, 20th
Detective Mark Cleaves Los Angeles, CA 219
Sr. Officer J.C. Clemens Atlanta, GA 1107
1st Sgt. Greg Close Bethel, AK 310
Officer Tobi Cobian Indianapolis, IN 1210
Officer Kevin Coleman Cleveland, OH 2120, 2125
Deputy Sean Collinsworth Los Angeles, CA 219, 221, 222, 225, 226/8/9, TH1
Officer Luis Colon Philadelphia, PA 521, CITA, CA03, SF
Deputy Greg Colyer Riverside County CA 329
Sgt. Ernie Conde Santa Ana, CA 1714
Officer Peter Connell Las Vegas, NV 1935
Sgt. Raymond Convery Philadelphia, PA 521, 546
Officer Barry Cook Portland, OR 202
Lt. David Cook Corpus Christi, TX 1032
Sgt. Jimmy Cook Harris County TX 2116
Sgt. Michelle Cook Jacksonville, FL 1301, AMW
Officer Mike Cook Kansas City, MO 404, 405, 406
Officer Robert Cook Indianapolis, IN 1203
Officer Ryan Cook Las Vegas, NV 1920, 1923, 20th
Officer Mark Cooper Atlanta, GA 1409, AMW
FTO John Comeau Little Rock, AR 1718
Officer Pete Conlin New York City, NY 734, WOD
Officer Peter Connell  Las Vegas, NV 2023
Detective Tom Connor Hoboken, NJ 322
Detective Anthony Constanzo Broward County FL 2105, 2107
Detective James Contento Tampa, FL  325
Deputy U.S. Marshal Shawn Convoy Miami, FL 414
Sgt. Raymond Convery Philadelphia, PA 521, 2037, 911E, 20th
K-9 Training Officer Keith Corder Anchorage, AK 310
Deputy Jason Corey Riverside, CA 1904, 2038, 20th
Officer (later Detective) John Cosgrove Kansas City, KS 402, 723, IHP
Officer Josh Costello Las Vegas, NV 2026
Officer Paul Cottingham Minneapolis, MN 304
I.D. Officer Dave Cotton Pierce County WA 445, TH1
Officer Chris Couch Norwood, OH 1710, 20th
Sgt. Patrick Coughlin Fontana, CA 1915, 20th
Officer Christine Couter Philadelphia, PA 521, CITA, CA03, SF
Special Agent Celeste Cowan Portland, OR 205
Deputy Ron Cowan San Diego, CA 218
Deputy Richard Cox Shelby County TN 426
Officer Bryan Craft Fresno, CA 1731
Sgt. Don Crager Palm Springs, CA 1520, SF
Officer Matt Cramer Hillsborough County FL 2121
PC Andy Crawley London, England 339
PC Sharon Crawley London, England 339
Officer Jeff Crenshaw Atlanta, GA 1101, 1107, 1110, 1113, 1339, 20th
Sgt. Gary Cross Jacksonville, FL 1708
Officer Jason Crump Kansas City, MO 1016, 1021
Officer Travis Crumrine Las Vegas, NV 2014, 2018, 2102
Sgt. Freddie Cruz  Miami, FL 20th
Sgt. Don Crye Sacramento, CA 2121
Detective Anthony Cuesta Broward County FL 2104, 2107, 2110
Detective Steve Culley Memphis, TN 427
Deputy Alex Cundieff Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2103
Detective George Cunningham Baltimore, MD 414
Officer Pete Cutcliff  Kansas City, MO 2015
Deputy Vicki Cutcliffe Broward County FL 100, 20th
Officer Greg Dabney Atlanta, GA 1101, 1339, 20th
Officer John Dailey Boston, MA 416
Captain Tom Daily Kansas City, MO 408
Sgt. Frank Dallman Minneapolis, MN 305
Officer Jerry Dalton Fort Worth, TX 1213, 2037, 20th
Officer Greg Damarian Las Vegas, NV 721, IHP
Cpl. (later Sgt.) Anthony Damiano Passaic County NJ 1605/12/15-18, 1704, 2037, VH1, 20th
Officer Jeremy Daneila Spokane, WA 2101
Officer Brett Danford Fort Worth, TX 526, CITA
Officer Bill Daniels Fort Worth, TX 535
Deputy Jimmy Daniels Memphis, TN 427
Lt. Ed Daniels Fort Worth, TX 526, IHP, 20th
Deputy Patrick Davidson Pierce County WA 1730
Officer Curtis Davis  Fresno, CA 1719
Detective Clarence G. Davis Albuquerque, NM 1233, 1235-7
Officer George Daunhauer Jacksonville, FL 1303
Officer Steven Davoren Los Angeles, CA 703
Sgt. Robert "Bo" Deak Broward County FL 101, 102, 103, 108, 112, 20th
Deputy Jeremy Dean Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2106, 2115, 2117, 2118
Officer K.W. Dean Fort Worth, TX 816, 911E
Officer John DeAngelis Fort Worth, TX 816, IHP
Captain John Decareau Lynn, MA 418
Officer Lizanne Deegan Homestead, FL 904, 20th
Officer Jason DeGroat Passaic County NJ 1611, 2038, 20th
Officer Jacquie Deitrich Atlanta, GA 1102
Officer Peter Delalis North Las Vegas, NV 2109, 2111, 2113, 2116
Officer Thomas DeLeVega Pomona, CA 2112
Officer Matt Delenikos Portland, OR 2024
Deputy John Delgado Pierce County WA 1312, 1324, 1515, 1526, 20th
Officer Sergio Delgado Corpus Christi, TX 1032
Officer Mark DeLong Portland, OR 2019, 2022, 2025
Deputy Thomas Demerritte Broward County FL 2107
Detective Terry Demmel Denver, CO 508, S907, WOD
Deputy Chris Derry Los Angeles, CA 703
Det. Dennis DeSefano Jersey City, NJ 321
Officer Thomas DeTemple Pittsburgh, PA 411, 412
Officer Cheri Dexter Minneapolis, MN 306
Sgt. Jim Diamond Tampa, FL  325
Officer Shaun Diamond Pomona, CA 2027, FAN
Officer Ramiro Diaz El Paso, TX 623, CITA
Officer Jody Dillinger Cincinnati, OH 1727
Detective Karen Dimonde Hoboken, NJ 322
Officer Henry Doce Miami Beach, FL 428, 430
Deputy Jimmy Dollahite Memphis, TN 427
Lt. Ed Donahue Memphis, TN 427
Sgt. Sean Donnelly Las Vegas, NV 312, CITA
Sgt. Bob Dorigo Miami Beach, FL 428, 430
Officer Steve Douglas Palm Springs, CA 1520, SF
Sgt. Bill Dowdy Martin County FL 2028
Deputy Darin Dowe Miami Beach, FL 430
Officer J.D. Downs Memphis, TN 425
Sgt. Mike Doyle Fresno, CA 1728
Sgt. Deborah Dozier Miami Beach, FL 428
Officer Gene Drayton Hoboken, NJ 322
FTO Jason Drinkwater Brevard County FL 2002
Sgt. David Ducrest Memphis, TN 424
Sheriff John F. Duffy San Diego, CA 214
Chief Inspector Art Dunn Conrail, NJ 319, S908
Deputy (later Cpl) Phil Dupper San Bernardino, CA 1433, 2105, 2116
Officer Mark Durand Minneapolis, MN 2119
Deputy Jim Durham Riverside County CA 330, 528, 911E
Trainer Len Durden Las Vegas, NV 312
Officer Mark Durmisevich Fontana, CA 1915, 20th
Lt. Richard M. Dwyer Pittsburgh, PA 324
Deputy Travis Dykes Martin County FL 2028
Deputy Andrea Eagon Hillsborough County FL 1931/3
Officer Carlos Eason Memphis, TN 427
Officer Jaime Eason Jacksonville, FL 1703
Investigator James F. Ebdon Houston, TX 336
Officer Brian Eckersley Spokane, WA 2101
Officer Edward Eckle Pittsburgh, PA 411, 412
Sgt. Jason Edens Cleveland, OH 2120
Officer Wes Edstrom Minneapolis, MN 302
Officer Alan Edwards Spokane, WA 2024
Deputy Tanya Edwards Los Angeles, CA 222
Officer Stephen Egan Los Angeles, CA 701, IHP, 20th
K-9 Eich Las Vegas, NV 312, 316
Master Patrol Officer Kenneth Elkins Nashville, TN 610, BG
Deputy Jennifer Eldridge Pierce County WA 1722, 1732
Deputy Van Elderedge Albuquerque, NM 835
Officer Pam Elius Minneapolis, MN 303
Deputy Melvin Elliott Palm Beach County FL 2036
Sgt. Tim Ellis Fort Worth, TX 529, 532, 533, 536, S908
Officer Chuck Elms Santa Ana, CA 1714
Cpl. Pete Enderle Hamilton County OH 1715, 1723, 1728, 1729, 1731
Deputy James Ennis Hillsborough County FL 1931
Officer Doug Ericsson Las Vegas, NV 1010
FTO Luis Escobar New Orleans, LA 1502, 1701, 20th
Officer Ismael Espinoza Fort Worth, TX 1219
Deputy Kristi Estes Pierce County WA 1523, 1725, 20th
Deputy James Evans Palm Beach County  FL 1909
Deputy Rex Evans Harris County TX 2117, 2118, 2124, 2126, 2128
Officer Richard Everhart Philadelphia, PA 1707
Officer Dan Ewing Las Vegas, NV 1007
Deputy U.S. Marshal Bobby Fagan New York City, NY 414
Officer Lisa Fair Denver, CO 508, 911E
Officer Robert Falconetti Jersey City, NJ 317, 320, 321
Sgt. Tom Fallo Norwood, OH 1725
Officer Joseph Farah, Jr. Fort Worth, TX 1219
Sgt. J.D. Farmer Fort Worth, TX 528, CITA
Deputy Kenny Farrell Broward County FL 2107
Sgt. Andy Fasulo New York City, NY 736, CITA
Detective Bob Faulkner Broward County FL 113
Officer Mat Fay North Las Vegas, NV 1509, 20th
Sgt. Jose Fernandez  Miami, FL 429
Sgt. Jeffrey Ferner Albuquerque, NM 1230, 2037, BG, 20th
Detective Manny Ferrer Homestead, FL 904, 20th
Officer Bret Ficklin Las Vegas, NV 2129
Deputy Mike Fields Tampa, FL  326
Officer Nelson Figueroa Palm Springs, CA 1520, 2038, SF, 20th
Deputy Jeffrey Fine Los Angeles, CA 229
Officer Aaron Fink Las Vegas, NV 2025, 2031
Officer Chuck Fink Cincinnati, OH 2020
Deputy Andrew Finley Pierce County WA 1322
Officer Thomas Finley Cincinnati, OH 1710, 20th
Deputy Robert Fishe Pierce County WA 1318, 1321, 1322, 1324
Special Agent Ed Fisher Portland, OR 211
Deputy Dennis Fitz Portland, OR 204
Sgt. Joe Flandaca Boston, MA 415
Cpl. Jerry Fleetwood Anchorage, AK 307
Officer Brian Fleming Boston, MA 415, 416, 418, CITA
Officer Mike Fleming  Olive Branch, MS 423
Officer Thomas Fletcher Las Vegas, NV 311, 313, 318, 340
Officer D.L. Flores Fort Worth, TX 536
Officer Maria Flores Fresno, CA 1733
Deputy Jim Fondo Broward County FL 106, 107, 108
Officer Peter Fontanez Boston, MA 415, 416, 418, CITA
Officer Shawn Ford Las Vegas, NV 2010, 2013
Deputy Gavin Foster Pierce County WA 1526, 1532
Officer Carl Fowler Memphis, TN 426
Officer Marcie Fox Virginia Beach, VA 1114, BG
Detective Boyse Francis Las Vegas, NV 1712
Officer Mitch Fraser Memphis, TN 426, WOD
Deputy Bob Frausto San Diego, CA 214, 215
Officer Casey Fredenburg North Las Vegas, NV 2108
Deputy Mark Freeman Sacramento, CA 605, CITA
Commander of Investigations Ronald B. Freeman Pittsburgh, PA 324
Deputy Dan Frend  Palm Beach County  FL 1909
Sgt. Nick Frey Broward County FL 109
Officer Mark Friedman Portland, OR 2028
Detective William Frogue Riverside County CA 329
Deputy Mark Fry Pierce County WA 917, 1328, SF
Deputy Roger Fuller Pierce County WA 1722, 1726
Officer Mischa Fulton Little Rock, AR 1718
Officer Frederick Furgeson Fort Worth, TX 1213
Officer Brett Futch Jacksonville, FL 1704
Officer Greg Galliano Sacramento, CA 2127
Deputy Jeff Galloway Pierce County WA 1319, 1321
Sgt. Paul Gambini Las Vegas, NV 2114
Officer Chris Gangwich Covington, KY  1719
Officer Cesar Garcia Las Vegas, NV 2003
Deputy Efrain Garcia San Diego, CA 2105
Officer Jeff Garcia Albuquerque, NM 832, BG
Officer Larry Garcia Albuquerque, NM 835
Officer Rick Garcia Albuquerque, NM 1231
Officer Bruce Garner Cleveland, OH 2120, 2125
Lt. Frank G. Garrett Memphis, TN 426
Officer Jeff Garwacki Pierce County WA 1732
Officer Paul Gasca Las Vegas, NV 1716/7, 20th
Officer Desiree Gaudet New Orleans, LA 231/2, BOC, SF
Sgt. Francis Gaughan Boston, MA 415
Officer Justin Gauker Las Vegas, NV 1932, 2004
Sgt. Debra Gauthier Las Vegas, NV 312
Sgt. Dennis Gavalier Broward County FL 100, 110, 20th
Officer Genae Gehring Indianapolis, IN 1201
Dr. Steve Geiger, Psychological Consultant Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer Chris George Albuquerque, NM 1528
Deputy Anthony Geraldi Leon County FL 2026
Officer Deborah Germany Pittsburgh, PA 412
Officer Al Gibson Las Vegas, NV 1010
Officer Riley Gilchrist Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer Chip Gilette Fort Worth, TX 527, 911E
Sgt. Edwin Gillen Jersey City, NJ 321
Sgt. Doug Gillespie Las Vegas, NV 316
Officer Matt Ginnow Las Vegas, NV 2021
Sgt. Al Giraldo Houston, TX 2121
Officer Scott Girard Houston, TX 2113
Officer John Giron Dupont, WA 1313
Sgt. Bruce Glaudi New Orleans, LA 1709
Officer Jeff Glazier Atlanta, GA 1102, 1107
Patrol Officer Hank Glenn Philadelphia, PA 521, 524, 546, 911E
Deputy Heidi Godfrey Moreno Valley, CA 329
Officer Brian Godkin North Las Vegas, NV 2111
Officer James Golgart Minneapolis, MN 2128
Magistrate Abner Golorgergen Savoonga, AK 307
Marshal Jose Gomez North Las Vegas, NV 2112
Officer Daniel Gonzalez Fort Worth, TX 1725
Officer Jose Gonzalez Santa Ana, CA 1712
Officer Juan Gonzalez Santa Ana, CA 1719
Officer Mel Gonzalez Cleveland, OH 631, BOC, IHP, SF
Officer Tony Gonzalez Cleveland, OH 2129
Officer Michael Gormley Philadelphia, PA 521
Officer Mark Gosling Pierce County WA 1312, 1710
Deputy Scott Gould Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2119
Officer Matt Goulds Pierce County WA 1315
Officer Lyman D. Graham Tampa, FL  326
Officer Brian Grahme Minneapolis, MN 2128
Officer Tim Grams Tampa, FL  326
Officer Rick Grande Las Vegas, NV 312
Detective Chris Grant Pierce County WA 1316
Sgt. Eddie Grant Broward County FL 2118
Deputy Jeffery Grant Hillsborough County FL 2006
Inspector Don Grathwell Miami, FL 414
Officer Charles Gravis Albuquerque, NM 1225, 1229
Deputy Keith Gray Fresno, CA 928, 2037, 20th
Deputy John Greco San Bernardino, CA 518
Officer Jackie Green Kansas City, KS 408
Officer Patrick Greeno Kansas City, MO 408
Deputy William Greer Harris County TX 2116
Sgt. Robert Gretton Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer Charles Griffin Lynn, MA 420
Officer Scott Grommes Albuquerque, NM 835
Officer Steve Groppi Fort Worth, TX 1718
Officer John Grove Minneapolis, MN 2123
Officer Jim Grow Fort Worth, TX 1212, 1216, CA03
Deputy Andrew Geurrero Pierce County WA 1531, SF
Officer Robert Guerrero Fort Worth, TX 1718
Officer Bill Guillem Miami, FL 437, CITA
Deputy Thomas Gunter Brevard County FL 2001
FTO Michael Guyer Maricopa County AZ 1333, 20th
Officer George Haake Jacksonville, FL 1703
Officer Scott Hafen North Las Vegas, NV 2108
Officer Don Hanlon Fort Worth, TX 536
Deputy Lincoln Hales Pierce County WA 1317, 1318
Cpl Jim Haley Houston, TX 332
Officer Gale Hall Kansas City, MO 404
Detective Rick Hall Riverside County CA 330
Deputy (later Sgt.) David Halm Los Angeles, CA 221, 222, 224, 226-8, 703, CITA
Deputy Jim Haman Brevard County FL 1909
Officer Jess Hamblin Covington, KY  1719
Officer Frederick Hamer Jr. Indianapolis, IN 1201, 1204, 1207
Sgt. Steve Hammers Key West, FL 431, WOD
Detective Leo Hampton Memphis, TN 422
Deputy Jeff Hancock King County WA 2123, 2124, 2125
Sgt. Roy Haney Houston, TX 2121
Officer Michael Hanlon Lynn, MA 908, 1520, 2038, SF, 20th
Detective Larry Hanna Las Vegas, NV 1716/7, 20th
Sgt. Jason Hapner Indio, CA 2004
Officer Michael Harbison Sacramento, CA 2120, 2121
Deputy Theron Hardesty Pierce County WA 1518, 1526, 1721, 1724
Deputy Garrett Hardin Harris County TX 2114
Officer Maurine Harkrider Fort Worth, TX 535
Deputy Jason Harms Pierce County WA 1322
Officer Keith Harris Las Vegas, NV 721
Officers Mike Harper Cincinnati, OH 1920
Patrol Officer King Harris Philadelphia, PA 521, 524, 546, 911E
Officer Sean Harris Fort Worth, TX 1224
Officer Thomas Harris Pittsburgh, PA 323, 324
Officer John Harshbarger Sacramento, CA 2119, 2125, 2127
Deputy District Attorney Lisa Hart Los Angeles, CA 220
Officer Janee Harteau Minneapolis, MN 303
Sgt. Jason Hartman Spokane, WA 1637
Officer C.D. Hawkins Memphis, TN 425, 426
Officer Troy Hawley Sacramento, CA 2122
Officer Gina Haynes Sacramento, CA 608, 1339, CITA, IHP
Deputy Nick Hazlerig Shelby County, TN 422, 423
Officer Royce Hearne Fort Worth, TX 1220
Sgt. Pete Hedrick Lee County FL 2008
Officer Rick Hegrenes Portland, OR 202
Sgt. David Heilwagen Marion County, IN 1202
Sgt. James Heishman Fort Worth, TX 1320
Officer Lorna Helle Des Moines, IA BG
Deputy John Helme Lee County, FL 933
FTO Mike Helms Brevard County FL 2007
Detective Ashley Helton Little Rock, AR 1722
Sgt. Heath Helton Little Rock, AR 1734
Officer Greg Hemberger Lee County, FL 933
Officer Leslie Henderson Houston, TX 331, 336
Detective Todd Hendrix Las Vegas, NV 1716/7, 20th
Officers Dean Hennesy Las Vegas, NV 1914
Sgt. John Hennessy Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer John Henterly Pierce County WA 1707, 1729
Deputy Donovan Hepler Martin County FL 2029
Detective Ed Herbert Portland, OR 208
Deputy Al Hernandez Miami Beach, FL 430
Officer Phil Hernandez Denver, CO 508, 509, 515, 911E
Officer Ruben Hernandez Fort Worth, TX 1221
Officer Bobbie Herndon Pittsburgh, PA 413
Deputy Monty Herron Houston, TX 333, 335, 336, 911E
Officer Debbie Hesley Albuquerque, NM 1225
Officer Jennifer Hertzler Portland, OR 2021, 2036
Deputy Dan Hibben Pierce County WA 1317
Corporal Christopher Hice Rialto, CA 2004
Sgt. Dan Hickman Bethel, AK 308, 310
Deputy Brad Hickory Hillsborough County, FL 2120
Detective Chris Hickox Broward County FL 2118
Deputy Charles Hicks Palm Beach County FL 438, 439, 440
Sgt. Ron Hicks Indianapolis, IN 1208
Officer Terrence Hightower Jacksonville, FL 1724
Deputy Michael Hilden Pierce County WA 1319
Deputy Jerry Hill Portland, OR 203, 210
Deputy Marshall Scott Hill San Diego, CA 214
Officer Heather Hindi Albuquerque, NM 1520, 1523, 1528, SF
Officer Timothy Hines Mesa, AZ 1331, BG, SF
Deputy Bubba Hinton Houston, TX 332, 337, 338, BOC
Officer Robert Hipple Jr. Indianapolis, IN 1201, SF, 20th
Officer Greg Hirsch Minneapolis, MN 302, 306
Officer John Hocker Tampa, FL  326
Officer Mark Hockemeier Kansas City, KS 1015, 20th
Deputy Mike Hoffman Broward County FL 104/5/7, 110, 112, 2038, FM, 20th
Detective Michael Hoffman Pittsburgh, PA 2005
Deputy Todd Holland Brevard County FL 1931
Police Chief John G. Hollow Lynn, MA 908, 1520, SF
Officer Audie Holloway Anchorage, AK 309
Officer Blase Holly North Las Vegas, NV 2109
Deputy Bryce Holmes Riverside County CA 2036
Sgt. Earl Holmes Albuquerque, NM 835
Officer Jeff Holt Little Rock, AR 1734
Officer David Honick Pittsburgh, PA 2007
Officer Mike Horn Las Vegas, NV 312, 316
Deputy Jason Horton Riverside County CA 1515
Sgt. John Horton Riverside County CA 330
Officer Rick Hougland Riverside County CA 330
Deputy Lee Houston Portland, OR 207
Officer Brian Hubbard Portland, OR 2020
Deputy Bill Hubler San Diego, CA 214-8, CITA
Officer Ryan Hudson Little Rock, AR 1714, 1722
Detective Shelia Huggins Las Vegas, NV 1716/7, 20th
Officer Bert Hughes Las Vegas, NV 1914
Sgt. Cole Hughes Los Angeles, CA 225, 227
Officer G.W. Hull Fort Worth, TX 1715
Officer Gene Hulley Memphis, TN 425, 426
Officer Richard Hulme Kansas City, MO 2014
Officer Mike Humpheys Fort Worth, TX 528, 911E, CITA
Officer Paul Humphrey Indianapolis, IN 1526
Officer Todd Humphrey Las Vegas, NV 1721
Officer Florence Hunt Pittsburgh, PA 412, 413
Officer Bill Hunter  Cincinnati, OH 1710, 20th
Officer Mark Hunstiger Anchorage, AK 307
Officer William Hutchinson Palm Springs, CA 1910, 20th
Officer Charles Huth Kansas City, KS 723, IHP
Traffic Investigator Floyd Hyde Nashville, TN 610, CITA, 20th
Commissioner Sir Peter Imbert London, England 339
Deputy Dennis Ingersoll Los Angeles, CA 224
Deputy Casey Ireland (later Jacobson) Bernalillo County NM 1228, 2037, 20th
Officer Tom Intrieri Mesa, AZ 1331, BG, SF
Officer Pauli Irwin Indianapolis, IN 644
Deputy Aldo Iturriaga Los Angeles, CA 220
Officer Edward Jackson Ft. Lauderdale, FL 440
Officer Harry Jackson (later sgt.) Portland, OR 201, 203, 205, 208, 209, 213, FM, 20th
Sgt. Pat Jackson Fresno, CA 1735
Sgt. Phillip Jackson Los Angeles, CA 703
Sgt. Robert Jackson Houston, TX 334, 546, IHP
Officer Roman Jackson Rialto, CA 2036, 2114
Officer J.R. Jacoby Fort Worth, TX 527, 535
Special Agent Robert Jacobus Bolivia 517, WOD
Officer Norman Jahn Las Vegas, NV 1931
Officer Laurie Janikowski Minneapolis, MN 302
Officer Frank Janise Las Vegas, NV 311, 546, 911E
Officer Bill Jeffrey Houston, TX 2121
Officer (later Sgt.) Tom "TJ" Jenkins Las Vegas, NV 1010, 1716/7, 20th
Deputy Anthony Jensen Pierce County WA 445, 503, TH1
Detective Jerry Jensen Los Angeles, CA 223
Officer Scott Jessen Anchorage, AK 308
Deputy John Jimenez Pierce County WA 505
Cpl Dan Johnson Houston, TX 2113
Cpl. Daryll Johnson Pomona, CA 2033, 2035
Officer Karl Johnson Lynn, MA 418
Officer Mark Johnson Minneapolis, MN 2126
Detective Robert Johnson Broward County FL 2106
Officer Russell Johnson Fort Worth, TX 528, 530, 911E, CITA
Officer Russell Johnson Jacksonville, FL 1301, 1310
Deputy Scott Johnson Riverside County CA 330
Officer Zachary Johnson Las Vegas, NV 2035
Detective Carl Jones Rialto, CA 2005, 2018, 2034
Deputy D. Jones Maricopa County AZ 1333, 20th
K-9 Officer Dennis Joy Sacramento, CA 2015
Deputy Michael Judes Riverside County CA 1521
Officer Kenneth Judd Fort Worth, TX 1213
Officer Kurt Kaetterherny Dallas, TX 819
Officer Kevin Karaer North Las Vegas, NV 2111, 2116
K-9 Officer Chris Karl Tacoma, WA 1718
Sgt. Andre Karol Rialto, CA 2114
Officer Janice Kashiwamura Las Vegas, NV 721, IHP
Officer Tom Katkus Anchorage, AK 310
Sgt. John Kaupalolo Maui, HI 1708
Officer Jim Keating Jersey City, NJ 322
Officer Holly Keegel Minneapolis, MN 303
Officer Robert Kegley Las Vegas, NV 1010
Officer Richard Keith Kansas City, MS 403, 407, 1328, S909, BOC, FM
Deputy Mark Kellerhall Memphis, TN 424, 427, WOD
Deputy Mark Kellerman Shelby County, TN 423
Detective Dean O'Kelley Las Vegas, NV 1808
Officer Michael Kelter Lynn, MA 421
Officer Sean Kenjura Fort Worth, TX 1220
Deputy Lynelle Kern Pierce County WA 1316, 1317
Sgt. Thomas Kerns Minneapolis, MN 302
Officer Chris Kennedy Las Vegas, NV 1935, 2027
Detective William Kennedy Boston, MA 421
Sgt. Elizabeth Kenny Jacksonville, FL 1705
Deputy Mark Kessell Sacramento, CA S900
Lt. Patricia Kessel Las Vegas, NV 315
Officer Jeff Kilby Norwood, OH 1713, 2038, 20th
Officer Walt Kim Lansing, MI 2026
Officer Grayland King Olive Branch, MS 423
Officer Jason King Minneapolis, MN 2126
Deputy Richard King Harris County TX 337
Officer Brian Kinney Lowell, MA 1914
Officer Fred Kittman Pomona, CA 2112, 2128
Officer Frank Klejmont  Portland, OR 202
Deputy Jacob Klepach San Diego County CA 2117
Deputy Robin Kolb Sacramento, CA 601, CITA
Officer Joe Kolp Pierce County WA 1312/16/22, 1707/10/18/29, 1735
Sgt. Michael Kondas Pittsburgh, PA 410, 411
Sgt. Mark Konoske King County WA 2123
Sgt. Ernie Kopasz San Bernardino, CA 1714
Detective Danny Kovacs Pittsburgh, PA 413
Inspector James Krause Baltimore, MD 414
Officer Larry Krebsbach Minneapolis, MN 302
Sgt Greg Krepps Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2111
Officer Marty Kula Memphis, TN 425
Sgt. Jim Kurkoske Rialto, CA 2036
Sgt. Dale LaFleur Los Angeles, CA 715, S900, IHP
Deputy Jason LaLiberte Pierce County WA 1318, 1320
Officer Ruben Lameira Miami, FL 1531, SF
Deputy Eugene Lancaster Houston, TX 332
Officer Andrew Lancellotti Jersey City, NJ 319
Lt. Chip Landrau Miami, FL 1531, SF
Officer Bob Lane Kansas City, KS 404
Deputy Tom Lang Hamilton Co, OH 1731
Deputy Mark Lanier Palm Beach County FL 2031, 2102
Officer Ross Lapp Minneapolis, MN 2127
Pilot Bob Larson Anchorage, AK 307
Deputy Bruce Larson Pierce County WA 501, 502
Deputy Chris Larson Pierce County WA 1320
Officer Erik Larson Palm Springs, CA 1507, 1520, BG, SF
Deputy Ryan Larson Pierce County WA 1317
Detective Dan Larud Fort Worth, TX 527, 911E
Officer Andrew Latendresse North Las Vegas, NV 2113
Chief John Laux Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer Curtis Lawrance Las Vegas, NV 2022
Master Patrol Officer Rick Laymance Nashville, TN 610, CITA, 20th
Officer Rodger Leach Pierce County WA 1735
Detective Roy Leblanc Tucson, AZ  327, WOD
Officer Steve Lecy Minneapolis, MN 2123
Officer David Lee Sacramento, CA 2011
Officer Kenyatta Lee Philadelphia, PA 1707
Deputy Rick Lee (Died 10/26/08) Brevard County FL 2003
Officer Andrew Legrow Las Vegas, NV 340
Sgt. John Leiker Kansas City, MO 405
Officer Caleb Lenz Kansas City, MO 2009, 20th
K-9 Leo Sacramento, CA 2015
Detective Mark Leonard Pittsburgh, PA 411
Deputy Ron Leonard Houston, TX 337
Officer Norm Leong Sacramento, CA 2121
Sgt. Joe Leos San Diego County CA 2117
Officer Adam Lepinski Minneapolis, MN 2128
Deputy Michael Lerner Broward County FL 2106, 2111
Officer Brian Levy Fort Worth, TX 536
Officer Bryan Lewis New Orleans, LA 1705
Officer Chris Lewis Pomona, CA 2104
Officer Jeff Lewis Atlanta, GA 1101, 1339, 20th
Officer Karen Lewis Kansas City, MO 405
Officer Rick Lewis Atlanta, GA 1107, 1110, 1111, 1113
Sgt. Vince Licata Rialto, CA 2101
Cpl Christie Licudine San Diego, CA 2105
Officer Chris Lindsey Portland, OR 2028
Deputy Elizabeth Linot Pierce County WA 1518
Deputy Carlos Lisboa Palm Beach County FL 2029, 2036
Officer Kenny Livingston North Little Rock, AR 1726
Officer Jim Lockhart El Paso, TX 623, CITA
Deputy Karin Lofing-Newman Pierce County WA 1312, 1319
Sgt. Ed Logan Philadelphia, PA 519, WOD
Officer Pat Logan Pittsburgh, PA 324, 409, 410, 413, CITA, TH1
Officer Joseph Lombardo (later Capt) Las Vegas, NV 311, 318, 340, 20th
Sgt. Danny Long Tampa, FL  325
Officers Mark Longworth Cincinnati, OH 1920, 1929
Cadet Mike Looney Minneapolis, MN 302
Deputy Brian Lopez Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2111
Deputy Jeff Lopez Sacramento, CA 605, CITA
Officer John Lopez Rialto, CA 2115
Detective Henry Lopez Broward County FL 2103, 2105
Officer Michael Lopriore Boston, MA 415, 416, 418, 421, BOC, CITA, WOD
Trooper Ike Lorentz Nome, AK 307
K-9 Louie Pittsburgh, PA 323, 409
Cpl Todd Lunge Tampa, FL 1433
Officer Bill Lutz New York City, NY 734, WOD
Officer Gary Lynch Tucson, AZ  327, 328
Deputy Shawn Macdonald Pierce County WA 506
Detective Ed MacDougall Broward County FL 2112, 2118
Officer Dennis Magill Las Vegas, NV 311, 546, 2038, BOC, FM, 20th
Officer David Magnusson Miami, FL 112
Officer Anthony Magrino Miami, FL 429
K-9 Officer David Magruder Kansas City, MO 2009, 20th
Officer Craig Major Portland, OR 210
Sgt. Steve Majors Kansas City, MO 406
Officer Antonio Maldonado II Fort Worth, TX 1216/18/20/21, 1328, 2038, VH1, 20th
Deputy Jim Malinowski Harris County TX 1032, 1637
Officer Tim Mallon Puyallup, WA 1528
Officer Joe Maltese Rialto, CA 2001, 2101
Training Officer Janice Mangen Los Angeles, CA 703
Deputy Belinda Mangum-Lorenz Travis County TX 1818, 20th
Officer Ray Manning Norwood, OH 1710, 20th
Officer Chris Manson Cincinnati, OH 1637
Captain Clay Manuel Memphis, TN 422
Sgt. Michael Marchello Los Angeles, CA 703
Sgt. Jeremiah Marcotte Lee County FL 2009
Officer Gene Marquez Albuquerque, NM 835
Officer Fortunato Mariscal Los Angeles, CA 701, IHP, 20th
Officer William Marsh Kodiak, AK 309, TH1
Officer Leonard Marshall Las Vegas, NV 1005
Sgt. Dave Martenz Minneapolis, MN 302
Capt Bobby Martin Jersey City, NJ 319, BOC
Deputy Russ Martin Pierce County WA 1314, 1316, 1519, 1523, 1718, 20th
Officer Scott Martine Las Vegas, NV 1002, 1007, 1337
Officer Domingo Martinez Fort Worth, TX 1725
Officer Jaime Martinez Pomona, CA 2128
Officer Mike Martinez San Bernardino, CA 1714
Deputy Patrick Martinez Los Angeles, CA 221, 230
Officer Paul Martinez Fresno, CA 1719
Officer Rick Martinez Miami, FL 1528
Program Mgr. Bob Masaitas Washington D.C. 414
Officer Micki Mashburn Tampa, FL  325
Deputy Mike Mason Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2103, 2105, 2108, 2118
Officer Terry Mast Kansas City, MO 408, WOD
Public Defender Michael Masterson Los Angeles, CA 220
Crime Scene Investigator Joseph Matvay Las Vegas, NV 1716/7, 20th
Deputy Phil Mather Riverside County CA 1521
Detective Orlando Matthews New Orleans, LA 1709
FTO John Mathis Boise, ID 1932
Officer Russ Mathison Pierce County WA 1315
Officer Kevin Mattocks Mesa, AZ  1515
Officer Dave Mattson Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer Manny Mauri Denver, CO 509
K-9 Max Broward County FL 105, 109, 2037, 20th
K-9 Max Pierce County WA 1314
Sgt. Glenn Maxwell Albuquerque, NM 833, BOC
Sgt. James May Los Angeles, CA 703
Officer Michael McBride Des Moines, IA 1428
Officer Kenneth McCaffery Las Vegas, NV 2011
Deputy Daniel McCann Los Angeles, CA 227
Officer Michelle McCants Pittsburgh, PA 410
Officer Gregory McCarthy Lynn, MA 908, 1520, 2038, SF, 20th
Officer Dale McCoy Fort Worth, TX 535
Officer Shelly McCrary Pomona, CA FAN
Officer Jeff McCullough Spokane, WA  2025
Deputy Mickey McCune Shelby County, TN 422
Officer Tony McCutchon Fort Worth, TX 526, IHP, 20th
Officer John McDonald Denver, CO 509, CITA, 20th
Sgt. Brian McDonough Jersey City, NJ 321
Lt. Mike McEachren Shelby County, TN 423, 424
Officer Mike McElroy Phoenix, AZ S900
Officer Jimmy McGee Pittsburgh, PA 409, 410, 413, CITA
Officer Scott McGraw Fort Worth, TX 1707
Officer Steve McGuigan Tucson, AZ  328
Detective Pat McGuire Portland, OR 206
Bike Patrol Officer B.K. McHorse Fort Worth, TX 528, CITA
Deputy Keith McKay Riverside County CA 330
Detective John McKenna Albuquerque, NM 1233
Officer Tim McMahan Sacramento, CA 2120
Officer Brian McMasters Boston, MA 417
Deputy Sean McMichael Palm Beach County FL 2031, 2034, 2036, 2102
Officer Jim McMurray Portland, OR 2020
Officer Michael McNab Spokane, WA 2034
Commander Robert McNeilly Pittsburgh, PA 323, 546
Officer Dan McShane Minneapolis, MN 304
Deputy Program Mgr. Mike McShane Atlanta, GA 414
Officer Jim McVey New York City, NY 734, WOD
Fire Capt. Al Meacham Fullerton, CA 836, 20th
Deputy C.J. Meaux Harris County TX 1032, 1637
Officer Donny Meece Cincinnati, OH 1926
Deputy Ken Melancon Houston, TX 334, 336
Deputy William Melhloff Pierce County WA 1317, 1319
Officer Jessie Mendez El Paso, TX 623, CITA
Deputy Noel Mercado Broward County FL 2103
Deputy Robert Merchant Houston, TX 333, 334, 336, TH1
Officer Philip Mercurio Pittsburgh, PA 323, 409
Officer Bill Merideth Sacramento, CA 601, CITA
Officer Steven Merrifield Cleveland, OH 630, CITA
Sgt. Eugene Merritt Houston, TX 331
Sgt. Steve Mesa Miami Beach, FL 429, WOD
Deputy Gerald Meyer King County WA 2124
Officer Tony Meyer Spokane, WA  1625, 2025, 20th
Detective Jeff Meyers Key West, FL 431, WOD
Bike Patrol Officer D.S. Meza Fort Worth, TX 528, CITA
Officer Robert Middleton Albuquerque, NM 1523
Sgt. Al Miller New Orleans, LA 1502, 1701, 20th
Officer Curtis Miller Fort Worth, TX 1729
Sgt. Dave Miller Fullerton, CA 836, 20th
Officer David Miller Las Vegas, NV 1716/7, 20th
Officer Mark Miller Memphis, TN 422
Officer Matt Miller Portland, OR 2028
Deputy Mike Miller Lee County, FL 933, CA03
Officer Joe Miller Little Rock, AR 1714
Lt. Ron Miller Kansas City, MO 402, 408, WOD
Detective Todd Miller King County WA 2129
Officer Chad Mills Fort Worth, TX 1729
Officer Brett Mills Fort Worth, TX 1707, 1713, 1715, 1724
Deputy Monti Minion Pierce County WA 1313, 1322, 1721, 1728
Sgt. George Minner Philadelphia, PA 519, WOD
Officer Eric Minter Atlanta, GA 1102
Judge Lawrence Mira Los Angeles, CA 227
Officer David Miramontes Fresno, CA 1728, 1733
Officer Paul Mitchum Homestead, FL 904, 20th
Officer Scott Monaco New Orleans, LA 1502, 1503, 1701, 20th
Officer Tom Monihan Las Vegas, NV 311, BOC2, 20th
Officer James Monroe North Las Vegas, NV 2109
Officer Matt Moore Fort Worth, TX 1713, 1729
Officer Robert Morales Rialto, CA 2002
Officer Dave Moran Fort Worth, TX 816, 817, 2037, IHP, SF, 20th
Officer Joe Morgan Des Moines, IA 1622, BG, 20th
Officer David Moore New Orleans, LA 231, BOC
Agent Tom Moorehead Tucson, AZ  327, WOD
Officer GG Moreno Fort Worth, TX 1709
Officer (Later Detective) Linda Morgan Jacksonville, FL 1304, 1704
Site Supervisor P.E. Morris Atlanta, GA 414
Officer Aaron Morrison Minneapolis, MN 2127
Sgt. David Morrison Harris County TX 2115
Officer Mike Mosco Denver, CO 508, 509, 911E
Sgt. Chris Mosier Indianapolis, IN 644
Officer Jason Moss Pittsburgh, PA 2007
Officer Kent Mouton Fort Worth, TX 1213
Deputy Matt Moyer Hillsborough County FL 2122
Detective Joe Mugnano Boston, MA 415, 420, BOC
Officer Gary Mullins Cleveland, OH 631, 2037, BOC, IHP, SF, 20th
Deputy Walter Kent Mundell Pierce County WA 1732
Officer David Muniz Cleveland, OH 2129
Officer Joe Munoz Phoenix, AZ S900
K-9 Deputy John Munson Pierce County WA 1312, 1319, 1321
Officer Blake Munster New Orleans, LA 1703
Officer Mark Murawski Portland, OR 202
Officer Ricardo Muro Minneapolis, MN 2119
Det. Brian Murphy Hoboken, NJ 321
Deputy Dan Murphy Snohomish County WA 2126
Deputy Dave Murphy Lee County, FL 933
MPO Kevin Murphy Virginia Beach, VA 1114, 2038, 20th
Officer Kyles Murphy Key West, FL 431, WOD
Safety Officer William Murphy Kotlik, AK 308
Officer Matt Murski Little Rock, AR 1734
Deputy Mike Myers San Diego County CA 2106
Officer Steve Myers Fort Worth, TX 1218
Deputy Mark Myler Marion County, FL 1201, 1202
Sgt. Loren Napier Las Vegas, NV 1734
Officer Chuck Nathan Minneapolis, MN 305, 306
Sheriff Nick Navarro Broward County FL 100, 101, 104, 106, 20th
Deputy Chris Nebel Lee County FL 2002
Officer Mark Neiman Kansas City, MO 406
Officer Bill Nelson Jacksonville, FL 1705
Deputy Brian Nelson Los Angeles, CA 219
Officer C.J. Nelson Rialto, CA 2115
Officer Erik Nelson Norwood, OH 1710, 1713, 20th
Officer John Nelson New Orleans, LA 1701, 20th
Officer Pam Nelson Anchorage, AK 310
F.T.O. Gina Nesbit Mesa, AZ  1515
Deputy Keith Nessel Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2111, 2116
Officer Bryan Newell Fort Worth, TX 536
Deputy Bob Nielson Pierce County WA 916, 2038, SF, 20th
Officer Tommy Nikkel Wichita, KS 2018
Sgt. Greg Noll  Fresno, CA 1731
Deputy Kris Nordstrom Pierce County WA 1518, 1722, 1723, 1736
Sgt. W.L. Norman Fort Worth, TX 816, 911E
Officer Sal Noto Jersey City, NJ 322
Paramedic Anthony Novak Pittsburgh, PA 323, 546
Officer Kerry Novak Cleveland, OH 2120
Deputy Heath Noyes  Riverside County CA 2036
Officer Terry Nutter Minneapolis, MN 2123
Officer Daniel O’Brien Philadelphia, PA 521
Sgt. Diego O'Choa Broward County FL 113
Officer Alex Ochoa North Las Vegas, NV 2110, 2123
Sgt. John O'Connell Boston, MA 416
Investigator Mark Odom Gwinnett County GA 414
Officer Mike O'Hara Boston, MA 421
Sgt. Steve Oliveira Sacramento, CA 2127
Sgt. Michael Olivieri Pomona, CA FAN
Officer Scott Olson Las Vegas, NV 1709
Deputy Ken O’Neal King County WA 2122
Officer Mick O’Neil Pittsburgh, PA 413
Sgt. Robert O'Neil Lynn, MA 420
Officer Andrew O'Neill Pierce County WA 1728
Officer Terri O'Rourke Tucson, AZ  327, 328
Sgt. Tom O'Rourke Minneapolis, MN 303
Officer Ed Ortiz Las Vegas, NV 717, S907, 1728, WOD
Officer Wendy Osborn Lansing, MI 2027
Officer Daniel O'Shea Denver, CO 509, 511, CITA, TH2, 20th
Officer John Ost Fort Worth, TX 1211, 1223, 1706
Officer Ted Otero-Madrid Albuquerque, NM 1523
Officer Mike O'Toole Lynn, MA 421
Cpl Matthew Ott Palm Beach County FL 2101
Deputy Coroner Bob Overman Riverside County CA 329
Deputy Nathan Padilla Riverside County CA 1521
Deputy Heath Page Pierce County WA 1313
Officer Cory Palka Venice Beach, CA 708, BOC
Sgt. John Palmer Kodiak, AK 309, TH1
Sgt. John Paradise London, England 339
Deputy Dave Parker Los Angeles, CA 702, CITA, SF
Deputy Raymond Parker Harris County TX 2115, 2116
Detective Jacky Parks Fresno, CA 1733
Deputy Steve Parr Pierce County WA 1317
Officer Brent Parsons Kansas City, MO 1016
Officer Jerry Parton Denver, CO 508, 911E
Officer Anthony Passadore Portland, OR 2019, 2022, 2023, 2025
Officer Joe Patton Las Vegas, NV 2028
Officer Andrew Patzer Las Vegas, NV 1709
Detective David Payne Kansas City, KS 402
Sgt. Mike Pearson Gwinnett County GA 1815, 20th
Deputy Bill Pebley Pierce County WA 1314
Deputy Osvaldo Pelayes San Bernardino, CA 1432, 1604, 20th
Officer Misty Pence Las Vegas, NV 1716/7, 20th
Officer Derrick Pendergrass Chattanooga, TN 1830, 1923, 20th
Sgt. Mark Pepper London, England 339
Deputy Darren Perata San Diego County CA 2110
Sgt. George Perez El Paso, TX 620, WOD
Officer Joey Perez Fresno, CA 1735, 2006
Detective Pablo Perez Broward County FL 2103
Detective Kent Perry Portland, OR 208
Sgt. Mark Perry Las Vegas, NV 2019
Deputy Chris Peterson Portland, OR 206, 211
Deputy Kevin Peterson Portland, OR 209
Detective Robert Peterson Pittsburgh, PA 410
Officer Russell Peterson Las Vegas, NV 314
Officer George Peters Cleveland, OH 628, IHP
Deputy Steve Peters Riverside County CA 329
Deputy Mike Petrillo Palm Beach County FL 2102
Cpl Joe Petroske Brevard County FL 2008
Officer Mike Pettinger Denver, CO 509
Sgt. Andrew Pettit Sacramento, CA 2127
Officer Russell Philibert New Orleans, LA 821, CA03
Deputy Brian Phillips Lee County, FL 933
Deputy Jason Phillips San Diego County CA 2108
Officer Stacy Phillips  Norwood, OH 1710, 1713, 20th
Deputy (Later Investigator) Baron Philipson Broward/Miami Beach, FL 108, 430
Officer Mike Phipps Pierce County WA 1723, 1725, 1726, 1728
Officer Chuck Pierce Jr. Las Vegas, NV 313
Officer Kenneth Pierce Fort Worth, TX 1219
Officer Anthony Pilutik Palm Springs, CA 1916
Officer Jamey Pinkston Fort Worth, TX 1707, 1713
Deputy Wally Pinkston Indianapolis, IN 645, CITA
Sgt. Dave Pleoger Minneapolis, MN 2126
Officer Chad Plowman Fort Worth, TX 816, 911E
Officer (Later Sgt.) Todd Plowman  Fort Worth, TX 816, 911E, VH1
Deputy Roman Pluimer Riverside County CA 1521, 2037, 20th
Sgt. Mike Plunkett Hoboken, NJ 317, 321, 322, TH1
Officer Randy Poletis Kansas City, MO 403, 20th
Officer John Politoski New York City, NY 734, 2037, 20th
Deputy Vernon Pollahite Jr. Shelby County, TN 423
Officer Rosa Ponce De Leon Santa Ana, CA 1713
Officer Clint Ponder Houston, TX 2113
Deputy Andrew Porcelli Martin County FL 2033
Officer Thomas Porter Jersey City, NJ 317, 320, 321
Lt. Wesley Porter Houston, TX 333
Detective Mike Portmann Pierce County WA 445, TH1
Officer Sam Posey Memphis, TN 425, 426, WOD
Deputy Dave Powell Sacramento, CA S900
Detective Frank Pratt Houston, TX 334, TH1
K-9 Deputy Greg Premo Pierce County WA 1312, 1314, 1321
Officer Jason Preston Portland, OR 1624, 2038, 20th
Sgt. Rudy Preston Atlanta, GA 1101, 1339, 20th
Officer Shawn Pringle Jacksonville, FL 1302
Officer Rolondo Pro Las Vegas, NV 1708
Deputy Michael Proffitt San Diego County CA 2108
Detective Clifton L. Pugh Pittsburgh, PA 324
Deputy John Pugh King County WA 2122
Officer Matt Pugh Memphis, TN 427
Deputy Mike Punausuia Leon County FL 2021
Officer Mike Quick Las Vegas, NV 1337
Detective James Quinn Tampa, FL  325
Sgt. Jason Rabalais Harris County TX 2117
Officer Brian Rabbit Jersey City, NJ 322
Detective Mike Radovich San Diego, CA 218
Sgt. Al Ramos North Las Vegas, NV 2109
Officer Marcus Rath Pierce County WA 1732
Sgt. Victor Ramirez Philadelphia, PA 521, CITA, CA03
Deputy Charlotte Raschke Hillsborough County, FL 2120
Cpl Greg Raubanus Hamilton Co, OH 1726
Sgt. Bobby Ray Homestead, FL 904, 20th
Officer Jacob Ray North Las Vegas, NV 2112
Deputy David Rayenhartz Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2117
Deputy Darrin Rayner Pierce County WA 1727
Detective Armando Rea Los Angeles, CA 222
Deputy Victoria Reden San Diego, CA 214, 218
Sgt. Art Reddy Los Angeles, CA 225
Detective Brann Redl Broward County FL 2105, 2107
Deputy William Reece San Bernardino County CA 2113
Deputy Greg Rees Albuquerque, NM 835
Officer Bruce Reeves North Las Vegas, NV 2123
Officer John Reichle Indianapolis, IN 1205, 1209
Detective Bill Reid Albuquerque, NM 835
Deputy Jeff Reigle Pierce County WA 1318, 1321
Detective Ronald Relf Denver, CO 509, 911E
Deputy Chad Reinbo Pierce County WA 1320
Sgt. Charles Resch Minneapolis, MN 301
Sgt. Raymond Reyes Las Vegas, NV 1923, 2029
Officer Bill Reynolds Boston, MA 417, 420
Officer Rudy Reynoso Santa Ana, CA 1719
Patrol Officer Walter Rice Philadelphia, PA 520
Officer Mark Richardson Covington, KY 1727
Officer Paul Richardson Sacramento, CA 2121
Officer John Ridge Boston, MA 417, 420
Officer David Ridings Nashville, TN 610, CITA, 20th
Sgt. Dennis Riley Indianapolis, IN 642, IHP
Officer Michael Riley Albuquerque, NM 1225, 1227
Fire Capt. Rick Riley Fullerton, CA 836, 20th
Officer Tim Riley Las Vegas, NV 1732
Lt. Bob Rios Broward County FL 100, 102, 106, 20th
FTO Jon Rivers Kansas City, MO 2009, 20th
Deputy Robert Rizzi Lee County FL 2010
Deputy Michael Robbins Hamilton Co, OH 1731
Deputy Kevin Roberts Pierce County WA 1319
Officer Noel Roberts Las Vegas, NV 1712
Sgt. Clint Robinson Las Vegas, NV 1002, 1337
Officer Howard Rodrigues Maui, HI 1708
Officer Alex Rodriguez North Las Vegas, NV 2104
Officer Amy Rodriguez Fort Worth, TX 1724
Officer Dennis Rodriguez New York City, NY 734, WOD
Officer Dominick Rodriguez Las Vegas, NV 315, 316
US Coast Guard Lt. Joe Rodriguez Bolivia 517, WOD
Officer Richard Rodriguez North Las Vegas, NV 2109
Officer Gary Rogers Shelby County, TN 425, BOC
PC John Rogers London, England 339
Officer Robert Rogers Boston, MA 416, 419
Officer James Rohm Pittsburgh, PA 412, 413
Officer Juan Rojas El Paso, TX 623, CITA
Deputy Mark Romanaggi Portland, OR 210
Chief Joe Romero Pomona, CA 2027, FAN
Officer Becky Rooks North Las Vegas, NV 2114
Officer Jason Rose Las Vegas, NV 1709
Deputy Mike Rose Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2105
Officer Patrick Rose New Orleans, LA 1703
Officer Evan Rosenthal Las Vegas, NV 1929, 1931, 2029, 2038, 20th
Officer James Rosetti Fresno, CA 1731
Detective Doug Ross Portland, OR 213
Deputy Dan Roufa Leon Co FL 2022, 2024
Sgt. Richard Royce Rialto, CA 2114
Officer Dan Royston  Albuquerque, NM 832, BG
Officer Peter Rubini Las Vegas, NV 311
Officer Howard Rudolph Broward County FL 112, 20th
Deputy John Ruffcorn Riverside County CA 329
Lt. Jack Russ El Paso, TX 620, WOD
Officer Richard Russell Cleveland, OH 628, IHP
Patrol Officer Jim Ryan Philadelphia, PA 520
Officer P.J. Ryan Fontana, CA 1915, 20th
Officer C.C. Ryder Fort Worth, TX 533, S901
Deputy Steve Sabers Hamilton Co, OH 1726
Officer Kenneth Sacaide Kansas City, MO 2016
Officer Richard Salinas Fort Worth, TX 530, 911E
Officer J.D. Sallee Sacramento, CA 2121
Deputy Jeff Samberg Tampa, FL  326
Officer Tony Sammarco Miami, FL 437, CITA
Deputy Samuel Samaroo Broward County FL 2106
Patrol Officer Antonio Santiago Philadelphia, PA 520
Deputy Win Sargent Pierce County WA 917, 1328, SF
Officer Michael Sartain Kansas City, MO 2012, 2015, 2016, 2023
Officer Bret Satchwell Sacramento, CA 608, 627, 1339, CITA, IHP
Deputy Lane Sawyer Portland, OR 203, 204, 207
Sgt. Robin Sawyer Los Angeles, CA 224, 229
Officer Rory Scalf Rialto, CA 2008
Officer Sue Schaaf Las Vegas, NV 721, 1007
Sgt. Al Schadle Nome, AK 307
Deputy Eric Schaubel Martin County FL 2029
Sgt. Richard Scheff  Broward County FL 100, 20th
Detective Harry Schlie Norwood, OH 1725
Deputy Bryan Schmick Hillsborough County FL 1935
Officer Mark Schmidheiser Philadelphia, PA 519, WOD
Sgt. Gary Schmidt Kansas City, MO 408
Sgt. Paul Schneider Pierce County WA 1321, 1518, 1528
Deputy James Schnur Houston, TX 333
Officer Zane Schuberger Kansas City, KS 401, 402, 407, TH1
Officer Craig Schultz Kansas City, MO 405
Officer David Schultz Indianapolis, IN 644, 1339
Sgt. Thomas Schultz Kansas City, MO 404
Officer David Schummer Las Vegas, NV 2017
Officer David Schwacher Santa Ana, CA 1714
Sgt. Harry Scott New York City, NY 637, CITA, CA03
Officer Ronald Scott Philadelphia, PA 1707
Officer Tony Scott Las Vegas, NV 717, S907, WOD
Deputy Tom Segobia Riverside County CA 329
Det Sgt. Tom Seipert Portland, OR 206
Sgt. Louis Sessa Palm Beach County, FL 440
Officer Steve Setzer Minneapolis, MN 304-6
Deputy Dave Shaffer Pierce County WA 1723
Deputy Kory Shaffer Pierce County WA 1515, 1526, 20th
Officer Tom Shaffer Indianapolis, IN 644
K-9 Officer Mark Shannon  Pomona, CA 543, S900, 1531, CITA, SF
Sgt. Bob Sharp Baltimore, MD 414
Officer Norman Sharp Portland, OR 202
Officer Bill Shaw Portland, OR 2024
Deputy Brian Sheets San Diego, CA 214, CITA
Officer Frank Shegan Little Rock, AR 641, IHP
K-9 Officer Stephen Shepherd Pierce County WA 1324
Deputy Jon Shellhammer San Diego, CA 215, 218
Officer Joe Shelton Nashville, TN 610, CITA, 20th
Deputy John Sheiferth San Diego, CA 216
Officer Ned Shinnick Lynn, MA 418
Officer Tracy Shipley Harris County TX 1028, 2037, CA03, SF, 20th
Officer John Sias Laughlin, NV 311
Deputy Michael Sieck Houston, TX 331, 332, 335, 338, 2038, 20th
Lt. William Sieber Los Angeles, CA 507, 20th
Sgt. Fred Silber Miami Beach, FL 429, 433, 438, 440, WOD
Officer Joe Silva San Bernardino, CA 1714
Deputy Maggie Silvey Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2105
Deputy Kelly Simpkins Brevard County FL 2005
Officer Jay Simpson North Las Vegas, NV 2114
Sgt. Matthew Sims Riverside County CA 2036
PC Steve Sims London, England 339
Officer Tim Simms Memphis, TN 425
Sgt. Ralph Sirois Lynn, MA 418, 421
Deputy Ian Sklar Broward County FL 2104
Sgt. Robert Skmora Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer M.L. Simon Fort Worth, TX 1725
Detective Bernie Smith Kansas City, MO 405
Deputy Bill Smith Gwinnett County GA 414
Deputy Chief Doug Smith Minneapolis, MN 301, 305
Associate Director for Operations G. Wayne (Duke) Smith Washington D.C. 414
Officer Gibron Smith Las Vegas, NV 1730, 1732, 1734
Officer Hayden Smith Philadelphia, PA 1707
Deputy Jaron Smith King County WA 2122
Officer Jason Smith Pierce County WA 1728
Detective Lee Smith Los Angeles, CA 507, 20th
Officer Matt Smith Fort Worth, TX 526/27/29/30/33/34/37, TH1
Deputy Michael Smith King County WA 2122
Officer Michael Smith Sacramento, CA 2016
Officer Robin Smith Pierce County WA 1316
Cpl. Silas Smith Fort Worth, TX 1220
Crime Scene Analyst Stephanie Smith Las Vegas, NV 1716/17, 20th
Deputy Thom Smith Harris County TX 2128
Snoop Dogg New Orleans, LA 1503, 2038, 20th
Officer Brian Snyder North Las Vegas, NV 2103
Officer Cory Synder Albuquerque, NM 1520, SF
Sgt. Jason Snyder Pittsburgh, PA 1808
Lt. Bob Sobocienski New York City, NY 734, WOD
Officer Eric Solano Las Vegas, NV 2031
Sgt. John Solheim Riverside County CA 1322
Officer Johnny Sosa Fort Worth, TX 530, 911E
Officer Mike Souder Las Vegas, NV 1734
Officer Allen Speed Fort Worth, TX 1220
Officer Kevin Spellman New York City, NY 734, WOD
Officer Ben Spencer Sacramento, CA 2122
Deputy Gary Spencer Los Angeles, CA 227, 229
Officer Ray Spencer Las Vegas, NV 1706, 1727
Officer Trish Spensor Las Vegas, NV 1010
Deputy Marshall Joe Sprecco San Diego, CA 214
Site Supervisor John Stafford New York City, NY 414
Deputy J.T. Stahlschmidt Hillsborough County FL 1929
Officer Rick Stanek Minneapolis, MN 301
Officer Tim Stankevitz Little Rock, AR 1714
Officer Trent Stephens Pierce County WA 1726
Deputy Bradley Sternberg Harris County TX 2115
Deputy Eric Stewart Los Angeles, CA 227
Deputy Keith Stokes Palm Beach County FL 2036
Cpl Glenn Stolzenberg Miami, FL 428, 911E
Deputy Chief Doug Stone Minneapolis, MN 305
PC Tony Stone London, England 339
Officer Greg Stonewall Dallas, TX 813, 819
Sgt. John Stonack Pierce County WA 1515
Officer Ken Storch Denver, CO 512, 513
Officer Andrew Stradling Indianapolis, IN 1202
Officer Mike Stratten Boston, MA 416
Sgt. Steven Strivelli Palm Beach County FL 2033, 2102
Sgt. Mark Strouhan Santa Ana, CA 1714
Officer Rick Strunk Cleveland, OH 2120
Sgt. Jay Stuart  Pomona, CA 930, 2037, 20th
PC Peter Stuart London, England 339
Officer Conrad Stumpenhaus Kansas City, MO 2012, 2017, 2023
Sgt. Ralph Suarez Broward County FL 111
Officer Marc Sullivan Boston, MA 1933
Officer (Later Sgt.) Randy Sutton Las Vegas, NV 313-6, 722, 1002/7/11, 1337, 911E, VH1
Officer Richard Swain Memphis, TN 424
Officer Lon Sweeny Portland, OR 209, 210, CITA, 2037, 20th
Trooper Jesse Sweet Boston, MA 1933
Deputy Brian Swinford Marion County, IN 1202
Officer Larry Symonette Las Vegas, NV 1708
Officer Ernesto Tamyao II Fort Worth, TX 1428, CA03
Officer Edward Tansey Lynn, MA 420
Deputy Tincu Taranu  Ft. Lauderdale, FL 440
Deputy Marty Tartera Shelby County, TN 422
Officer Cory Taylor Minneapolis, MN 2124
Deputy Glenn Tchou Ft. Lauderdale, FL 440
Officer Kevin Tempel Kansas City, MO 401, 408, BOC
Officer Charles Teneyck Minneapolis, MN 303
Deputy Paul Terrusa Los Angeles, CA 219, 221, 222, 225, 228, 229
Officer Michelle Terry Jacksonville, FL 1704
Sgt. Roger Therber Nashville, TN 610, CITA, 20th
K-9 Deputy Jerry Thibodeaux Pierce County WA 1732
Officer Ryan Thomas Atlanta, GA 1102, 1104, 1109
Officer Vickie Thomas Tampa, FL  325
Sgt. Mike Thomason Las Vegas, NV 1716/17, 20th
Officer Bill Thornberg Minneapolis, MN 305, 306
Deputy Jerry Tiffany Pierce County WA 1313, 1314, 1318
Officer Phil Tisdale Buffalo, NY 820, 2037, 20th
Lt. Larry Todd Pomona, CA 543, 1531, CITA, SF
Officer Emmanuel Toliver Indianapolis, IN 644
Officer Glenn Topping Broward County FL 107, 440
Sgt. Anthony Torella Palm Beach County FL 2033, 2102
Cpl Luke Torres Riverside County CA 2035
Deputy Jennifer Torres Lee County FL 2001
Officer Geoff Toscano Minneapolis, MN 2126
Special Agent Thomas Trotto Miami Beach, FL 440
Security Guard Gene Tucker Los Angeles, CA 507, 20th
Deputy Mike Tulley Shelby County, TN 423, 424, 427
Deputy Pete Turner Pierce County WA 1322, 1722
Officer Tommy Turner Memphis, TN 422
Sgt. Arthur Turnier Riverside, CA 1521
Officer Derek Uhl Covington, KY 1727
Deputy John Usery Pierce County WA 1523, 20th
Officer Juan Valencia Minneapolis, MN 2119
Deputy Bruce Vallerand Los Angeles, CA 224, 229
Deputy Aaron Vanyi Palm Beach County FL 1904, 2038, 20th
Officer Fernando Velez New York City, NY CA03
Officer Bill Van Cleef Las Vegas, NV 1733
Officer Julie Van Doren Kansas City, MO 408, BOC
Deputy Juan Vargas, Jr. Brevard County FL 2012
Sgt. Kenneth Vasquez Denver, CO 508, 911E
Sgt. Marc Vasquez Denver, CO 508, S907, WOD
Officer Dennis Vega Orange, NJ 317, 320
Officer Fernando Velez New York City, NY 637, CITA
Sgt. Ray Verdugo Los Angeles, CA 222, 223, 507, VH1, 20th
Officer Michael Verhoff Kansas City, KS 723, IHP
Officer Mark Vernon Dallas, TX 819
Officer Mike Victorine Maui, HI 1708
Officer Jose Viera Kansas City, KS 723, CITA, IHP
Officer Jeff Viewegh Indianapolis, IN 1206
Detective Aaron Vigil Rialto, CA 2006, 2015, 2016, 2031
Deputy Dana Villander Los Angeles, CA 223
Deputy Joe Villanueva Los Angeles, CA 225
Deputy Duke Viveros Moreno Valley, CA 329, 330
Officer Letha Voss Kansas City, MO 404
John Walsh Pierce County/Jacksonville FL 1301, 1320
Officer Bill Wagner Wichita, KS 1914
Officer Jim Wagner Grandview, MO 402
Officer John Wagner Kansas City, MO 723, IHP
Deputy Chris Wagoneer Broward County FL 106, 108
Officer Joseph Waguespack New Orleans, LA 1701, 20th
PC Clive Wakeley London, England 339
Deputy John Walker San Bernardino, CA 1714
Deputy John Walker Palm Beach County FL 2102
Sgt. Mark Walker Houston, TX 334, TH1
Deputy R. Walker Maricopa County AZ 1333, 20th
Sgt. Sean Walker North Las Vegas, NV 2109
Officer Mariann Wallace Albuquerque, NM 1232
Officer Rick Waller Dallas, TX 819
Sgt. Pat Walters Tucson, AZ  327
Corporal Joe Waltman Pomona, CA 543, 1531, CITA, SF
Officer Jorjana Wanzor Fort Worth, TX 1222
Deputy Grant Ward Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2111
Sgt. Jim Warden North Las Vegas, NV 1509, 20th
Officer Kevin Warren Las Vegas, NV 1002, 1337
Officer K. Washington Fort Worth, TX 1709
Officer Tito Washington Boston, MA 416, 419
Deputy Willie Washington Broward County FL 101, 102, 103
Officer Daniel Waters Spokane, WA 1625, 20th
Officer Randy Watkins Fort Worth, TX 1211, BG, SF
Officer Elizabeth Watson Atlanta, GA 1409, AMW
Officer Tony Weathersby Denver, CO 508, S907, WOD
Officer Kevin Webb Los Angeles, CA 704, IHP
Officer Matt Weber Fort Worth, TX 536
Officer Jeff Wehr Denver, CO 508, S907, WOD
Deputy Scott Weinberger Miami Beach, FL 430
Officer Brian Weismantle Pittsburgh, PA 413
Officer Chris Wellman Des Moines, IA 1428
Officer Chris Wessman Fontana, CA 1915, 1920, 20th
Sgt. Cindi West King County WA 2123
Deputy Jason West Brevard County FL 1926
Cpl. Shannon Whent Sacramento, CA 2011
Cpl. Randy Whisenhunt Fort Worth, TX 1219
Judge Earle W. White, Jr. Las Vegas, NV 313
Officer Jean White Pittsburgh, PA 323, 546
Sgt. Kelly White Las Vegas, NV 1730
Sgt. Randy White Jacksonville, FL 1704
Officer Tony White Kansas City, MO 1015, 1016, 1024, 20th
Officer Phillip Whitehead Fort Worth, TX 1213
Detective Reginald Whitehead Fort Worth, TX 1219
Deputy David Whitesell  Marion County, IN 1202
Officer Chad Whitford Norwood, OH 1713
Deputy Rob Wickum San Bernardino, CA 542, CITA
Officer Jeff Wieczorkowski  Cincinnati, OH 1637
Deputy Dane Wiesner San Diego County CA 2110
Deputy Robert Wiggs Riverside County CA 2003
Deputy Brian Wilbanks Harris County, TX CA03
Sgt. Larry Wilens Minneapolis, MN 301
Detective Damien Wiles Pittsburgh, PA 410, 411
Officer Richard Wilkerson Indianapolis, IN 1201, SF, 20th
Deputy Adam Wilkinson Leon County FL 2020
Deputy Kurt Willenbacher Lee County, FL 933
Officer Brent Willey Fresno, CA 1733
Officer Greg Williams Kansas City, MO 2013
Officer Melvin Williams New Orleans, LA 1705
Detective Robert Williams, Jr. New Orleans, LA 1709
Officer Robin Williams Cincinnati, OH 1727
PC Alvin Wilson London, England 339
Detective Chuck Wilson Boston, MA 415, 418, 420, 421, BOC, CITA, WOD
Deputy John Wilson San Bernardino County CA 2113
Deputy Perry Lenn Wilson Houston, TX 336
Deputy Russ Wilson Riverside County CA 329
Sgt. Eric Winebrenner Kansas City, MO 1016
Officer Michael Winslow Cincinnati, OH 1720, 2037, 20th
Sgt. Brian Witt Pierce County WA 1722
Officer Mike Witzgall Dallas, TX 819
Officer Shaun Woodard Las Vegas, NV 1733
Detective Gregory Woodhall Pittsburgh, PA 2005
Officer Steve Woodall Little Rock, AR 2005, IHP
Major John Woodward Atlanta, GA 1102
Officer Marc Woodward Anchorage, AK 308, 310
Officer R.D. Woody Atlanta, GA 1102, 1104, 1109
Officer Kenny Woods Memphis, TN 424, 426
Officer D.J. Woolley Kansas City, MO 407, BOC
Officer Becky Wooten Portland, OR 204, 206
Deputy Dan Wulick Pierce County WA 1312/15/16/18/22/23, BG
Deputy Jerry Wurms Broward County FL 100, 101, 102, 103, 2037, VH1, 20th
Sgt. Robert Yackel New York City, NY 734, WOD
Deputy Mike Yamada Pierce County WA 1315, BG
Sgt. John Yencha Houston, TX 2121
Sgt. Bill Yeros Denver, CO 508
Lt. (later Sheriff) Bill Young Las Vegas, NV 311, 314, BOC2, 20th
Officer Gary Young Houston, TX 2121
Sgt. Ken Young Las Vegas, NV 721
Officer Michael Young Houston, TX 2113
Officer Robbie Young Sacramento, CA 2127
Deputy Ryan Zacher Hillsborough County FL 2121, 2122
Officer Elayne Zadroga Jersey City, NJ 322
Sgt. Jeff Zappala Cleveland, OH 630, CITA
Deputy Martin Zelaya Snohomish County WA 2126
Deputy Victor Zigmont Houston, TX 338
Deputy Larry Zydek King County WA 2122

Prince of Wales Charles George, Princess Diana Spencer, Sarah Ferguson the Duchess of York & Leck Valenz are in episode #339

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